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Minutes 03/26/2009
THURSDAY March 26, 2009

Members Present: Ed Cook, Alan Zordan, Bill Hill, Is Temkin, Tom Jerram, Mayor Bingham, Mike Clark
Also Present: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide; Lorel Purcell, O&G; Bob Prentiss, O&G; Jerry Rollett, Director Public Works, City of Torrington
The Meeting was opened at 6:30 on a motion from Mr.Zordan seconded by Mr. Cook.

The Minutes of the MRC Meeting of 03/12/09 were approved as ammended on a motion from Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Hill.

Ms. Purcell presented an overview of the construction bid opening held earlier in the day. She estimated that nearly 100 bids were opened covering 17 bid areas/packets. She stated that an extremely quick overview indicated that bid results were favorable, but cautioned that no assumption of projected cost estimate savings could be made until every bid was thoroughly reviewed and apparent low bidders had been through the scope of the project review. Mr. Clark stated that bid participation by local contractors was very low in spite of MRC and O&G efforts to get local contractor participation.

Ms Purcell stated that O&G’s next steps would involve detailed scrutiny of bids and scope interviews. She stated that Abatement, Demolition, General trades and Electrical Bids would be scoped first. Mr. Clark requested that Mr. Nocera attend the first scope meeting to ensure that interviews included a discussion of ADA grant involvement requirements. Mr. Nocera agreed to do so. Ms. Purcell requested that the MRC meet in Special Session April 1, to award bids in each of these areas. Mr. Clark stated that he would send the agenda to City Clerk announcing the special meeting, and scheduled members to attend at 6:30 PM on 4/1/09.

Mr. Clark infomed members that the City Water Pollution department had performed a scope/camera inspection of most of the pipes underneath City hall. The purpose was to determine the condition of the pipes which are about 75 years old. Mr. Rollett was asked for his professional review of the procedure. He stated that there were no visual indications of broken or severely damaged pipes uncovered during the survey. He stated that the equipment was not able to examine all areas of he system due to traps and sharp bends in the system. He stated that it was his professional opinion that pipes of that age should be replaced in order to ensure the longevity of the renovated building. Ms. Purcell stated that Friar Associates had not designed a replacement sewer system and that the plumbing bids received did not include that work. Mr. Cook stated that he felt the architects had been remiss in not including this as part of the project, and that their charges for any work in correcting that ommission should be priced with that fact in mind. Mr. Hill stated that design of a new system could take six weeks and cost upwards of $12,000.  Dr. Temkin stated that two weeks were ample time for the design and stated that the price was too high. Ms. Purcell and Mr. Prentiss stated that a two week design turnaround was acceptable to the schedule, but reminded the MRC that the plumbing portion of the bid would have to be re-bid. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Zordan to take on the task of working out fees and schedule with Friar Associates. He agreed to do so. Mr. Cook asked that the Minutes reflect his dissatisfaction with Friar Associates performance in this matter. Mr.Clark stated that even though the cost of replacing plumbing in the basement was not included in the project estimate, anticipated savings on construction bids could be partially re-invested in the project to improve the quality of the renovated building.

Mr. Clark stated that a portable A/C unit for the temporary City Hall server had to be purchased on an emergency basis due to the extreme heat generated by IT equipment. He obtained three bids; the lowest one was negotiated down to $5200, from $6900. The unit was delivered/installed and is adequate for the need.

Mr. Clark stated that any pieces left at 140 Main St after the move would be offered for re-use to other City buildings first, then to non-profits at no charge, and the general public therrafter. A waiver of liabiliy would berequired for anyone reciving and removing pieces from the building.

There was no Other Business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 Pm on a motion bythe Mayor, seconded by Mr. Hill.